Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Message from Yael Yardeni

Hi Everyone,
We have a very intense week ahead!

First of all, many of you guys have asked me about retrograde Mercury! What are we to do? Stay home or stay silent???

Here is a good and proactive way to use the energy of retrograde Mercury….

The Planet Mercury represents the reasoning mind, meaning the way we think, the way we process information, as well as all forms of communication.The good news is, in this time of Mercury being in retrograde motion, we are able to erase and correct . Certain things that were lost will be found, certain things from our past will reemerge, all for the purpose of correction, or as we call it in Kabbalah, Tikkun.

Remember, Mercury, currently in the sign of Taurus, will be retrograde from April 18th through May 11th. Taurus being an earth sign, this is a great opportunity for us to make practical changes.

On April 28th the Moon will be full, and situated in Scorpio! This energy will pinpoint all the control issues we still have, as well as helping us uncovering certain annoying truths about ourselves!! The sign of Scorpio being the most inquisitive of the whole zodiac, it’s as if we were given a private investigator!

Scorpio is also connected to money and business, therefore, around the full moon, we need to make sure that all is in order in that domain, otherwise we will be in for unpleasant surprises. Just call the bank and find out if all is under control!!!!

The cosmos is indeed helping us this week to bring law and order in our lives, so lets take great advantage of that!

On another very positive note, the end of this week will see a very positive cosmic window and spiritual opening: on Saturday night and Sunday, we have a very special connection to a gigantic Kabbalist by the name of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai ( the author of the book of Spendor/ the Zohar). This will be a great time to sign contracts or move to a new home, since the energy of his anniversary breaks all the heaviness of this Taurus month!

If you are next to a Kabbalah centre, make sure you are there for a connection Saturday night, otherwise just light a candle and meditate to let this amazing light enter your lives!!!

Have a great week everyone!

Love Yael

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